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Muscle Care

Muscle recovery is vital to your bodies especially when you're consistently active. Remember, the three Rs (listed below), nutrition, stretching, and beneficial supplements are all aids to ensure recovery.


Your body depletes nutrients while you're asleep, and when you're working out. Food is your fuel. When the fuel runs out, so does your energy.

(R) - REST

Adequate resting is a must. For muscles to get stronger, for fat cells to shrimp, and to help you get leaner you should not avoid sleep. Human growth hormones produce while you're asleep. No sleep = no growth. No growth = no growth and your lifestyle change remains stagnant.


Water flushes out the waste aka toxins that helps improve your digestive tract. In addition, your muscles have more range of movement because they're lubricated with proper water intake. Be sure to include electrolytes because your body looses electricity evertime you sweat and urine.

**Why do our bodies needs electricity? Well, it's pretty simple...we have to stay charged to keep us going. Electrolytes are in our blood, urine, tissues, and body fluids. They also move nutrients into your blood cells, and move waste from your blood cells. Lastly, electrolytes balances water in your body and ph levels, and helps keep your kidney functions.

Chia seeds, berries, spinach, kale, fatty fish - no tilapia - oats, bananas, and dairy products are some of your top foods to consume that helps with muscle recovery.

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